Prehistoric Encounters: Menhirs and Steles in Val d'Aosta and Puglia

Prehistoric Encounters: Menhirs and Steles in Val d'Aosta and Puglia

The third of the PREHISTORY MEETINGS was dedicated to Menhirs and Steles, and the participating regions were Valle d'Aosta and Puglia with the research of the palethnologist Maria Laura Leone for Puglia and the archaeologist Gianfranco Zidda for the Aosta Valley.

Maria Laura Leone, palethnologist, researcher of prehistoric art and professor of Art History, author of studies on the ideological and religious aspects of prehistory in Puglia; she has published numerous articles on Paleolithic burials and art; the interpretation of the paintings of Grotta dei Cervi as mythical expressions intertwined with Modified States of Consciousness; the megaliths and stele statues from the Copper Age; and the priestly meaning of the Stele Daunie correlated to the sacredness of the opium poppy.

Gianfranco Zidda, archaeologist, BBAACC Superintendency Official - Educational system and policies for intergenerational relations at the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta; scientific manager of the megalithic area; Technical instructor of the Superintendence Department for Cultural Heritage and Activities - Archaeological Heritage and Restoration of Monumental Heritage.

The next meetings will be announced on the website and on the Preistoriainitalia Facebook page.