Category:Female figurine
Cylindrical statuette, made of light beige purified dough, without arms. “…The breasts, mutilated, are marked by two lines painted in ocher that cross in an X-shape in the center of the chest and continue on the body, which retains other traces of ocher in its front part. The…
See moreThe figurine is a small anthropomorphic head in uniformly fired figulina clay, of particular artistic finesse, so much so that it has been defined by Rodolfo Striccoli, archaeologist who supervised the excavations at the site, "... the most beautiful example of anthropomorphic plastic discovered from the Neolithic period so far in Italy …”. In the part…
See moreMonte Pellegrino is a massif made up of mainly calcareous carbonate rocks, subject to karst phenomena: in fact, it has more than a hundred caves and ravines, to which are added the cavities formed by the waters which, instead of flowing on the surface, filter between the rocks and then reappear…
See moreThis is a small anthropomorphic statuette in coarse clay, depicting a female character in an upright position with her arms outstretched, one of which has a mutilated hand and remains only up to the elbow, where there is a hole probably because the missing hand. The fingers of…
See moreThe hypogeum of Cuccuru Is Arrius (or Cuccuru S'Arriu/Arrius, the wording changes according to the scholars) is one of the most important funerary sites in Sardinia, where for the first time the space of the living is clearly differentiated from that of the dead (C. Lugliè, 2017). Furthermore, the hypogeum is distinguished by materials,…
See moreThe figurine is a small head in yellowish figulina clay: it consists of only the upper part of the body (shoulders and neck) and the head, the latter with a sort of headgear that frames the face. The somatic characters of the latter are stylized, composed only of the superciliary arches marked by…
See moreAt the "Su Monte" shelter, two statuettes were found which will be described in the file with the names of exhibit 1 and exhibit 2. Exhibit 1 of "Muros-Su Monte" is a fine example, albeit not intact, of a steatopygian statuette (belonging to the geometric-volumetric style) in kaonilite, ivory colour. The figurine is…
See moreIn Sardinia the cult of the Mother Goddess is found everywhere. The Goddess accompanied the entire life cycle of our Ancestors and Ancestors, from birth to death, up to rebirth. There are several Neolithic finds of “steatopygian” statuettes (a term in scientific language which in this case indicates hypertrophy…
See moreThe statuette is a small clay head, surrounded by hair made with a series of notches engraved at regular distances; the face is flat, with a slightly oblique profile and turned upwards from which the profile of the nose emerges. The eyes are marked by two horizontal incisions, while…
See moreThis is a small female statuette in dark olive gray steatite, with even darker streaks evident in the lower part. Obtained from an oblong pebble which probably originally already had a shape not very dissimilar from the current one, it was then worked to highlight the various…
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