Category:Female figurine
These are a dozen terracotta statuettes, found together with other objects related to the cult sphere, recovered in the Neolithic village of Sammardenchia, in the territory of the municipality of Pozzuolo del Friuli, about 10 km away. south of Udine. The site has been the subject of several site inspections and campaigns…
See moreThese are two statuettes from the site known by the toponym of San Matteo - Chiantinelle, a locality about 8 km from the municipality of Serracapriola, where numerous finds referring to a rather long period of time have been found, from the ancient Neolithic to more recent phases of the Serra d'Alto…
See moreArtifact made by working a stalactite, depicting a female body, probably pregnant, with a rounded and prominent belly shape, with a peculiar position of the hands, offering or gathering. The belly is prominent and the pelvic area has the typical triangular shape, while the legs are traced and…
See moreElongated pebble of calcareous-silica stone with a sub-triangular shape which bears an anthropomorphic engraving on the front face, a female figure with a presumed herbivore (perhaps bovid or canid) head turned to the left and facing upwards, elongated snout with mouth opening clearly drawn, two ears develop on the back…
See moreVolumetric cruciform statuette of strong iconic value in polished white marble from the recent Neolithic (between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth millennium BC) representing a female figure. The abstraction of the body is an evident trait: the only somatic trait is the nose. The bust is in the shape of an inverted trapezoid with breasts…
See moreSteatopygian female figurine from the XNUMXth millennium BC in standing posture. The legs are fused with the buttocks, the arms are rigidly stretched along the sides, the pelvis is represented in a triangle. The face presents the T facial pattern (line of the eyes orthogonal to the line of the nose). The head, with…
See moreEleven clay figurines with female features were found in Brietta Pievi, just outside the town of Biandrate, next to the canal, in the province of Novara; they are mostly fragmentary and/or broken on purpose and their fracture lines are currently undergoing a specific study. One of…
See moreIt is a terracotta female statuette head, whose body has been lost. Her face is barely sketched, the two elongated sockets of the eyes are evident, and a curly hair, or some sort of hairstyle, has been sculpted. The head was found in the cave complex…
See moreSmall female terracotta figurine, cylindrical in shape, with hint of face and breasts. The female statuette is the only anthropomorphic find found on site, and seems to attest to the presence of female cults on site. The statuette (ph. L. Violet) Historical notes The attendance of Isolino Virginia, with the development of…
See moreThis is a clay idol discovered in the Sulmona basin, near the San Callisto springs (Popoli), near the sources of the Pescara river. The statuette was found without the head, with the right arm folded under the breasts (the other is missing), the legs flexed as if she were half seated and…
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