by Eleonora Ambrusiano Valentia is a practically unknown deity although her name has historically remained well present and widespread in the toponyms spread throughout Umbria in the Terni area in particular (Valenza, a neighborhood and area in the city and, in the first outskirts, the hills of Valenza, and again Collevalenza village in the…
See moreby Alessandra de Nardis and Elvira Visciola In 2020, a short article was published on the pages of Preistoria in Italia, "A necklace of deer teeth from 16.000 years ago", on a particular object found in a burial discovered in 1934 in southern France. western, in Saint-Germain-La-Rivière, dated to the Middle Magdalenian,…
See moreby Antonella della Morte (Alma) and Alfredo Finotto (Frædior)Taken from Sarah Perini (edited by) – Riflessi della Dea – La Cicala – Oneiros – 2022 There is a place in the middle of Italy, under high mountains, noble and celebrated for fame in many districts, the Valli d'Ansanto: dark with dense fronds…
See moreby Alessandra Fumai Describing a culture starting from the body, starting from the way in which the bodies cadence the ritual and daily space, can provide a non-naive reading of social organizations different from ours. When it comes to matriarchy and matriarchal culture we must, in my opinion, maintain a…
See moreby Manuela Orrù Living the experience of descending into a Sacred Well is certainly something capable of bringing out new or perhaps just forgotten emotions, buried under layers of millenary culture that has distanced us from those people who, with so much trust, passion and care, they built them. Slowly go down the steps…
See moreby Donatella Livigni What place does sound occupy in our lives as individuals and as a community and what space of meaning did it occupy for those who preceded us and, going back in time, for pre-Christian and prehistoric civilizations?Marija Gimbutas singled out a lot of information related to these civilizations…
See moreby Barbara Crescimanno The cult paid to the nymphs testifies to an intertwining of plans – very concrete and embodied – that today we feel distant and separate from each other (the human, divine, animal, vegetable, sacred and profane world); evidence of a relationship between human beings and the 'Kosmos' much more…
See moreby Grazia Dentoni This is the story of a journey through space and time, it is the story of ten years of theatrical research that began when I became a mother, and I studied as a perinatal educator, a female figure who supports pregnant women, in I leave and after…
See moreby Elvira Visciola What kind of cult of the dead did the Neolithic populations of Grotta Scaloria practice? A study published in 2015 in the journal Antiquity has highlighted probable ancient funeral rites in use over 7000 years ago among the populations who inhabited the south-east of our peninsula, rituals…
See moreby Oretta Di Carlo, Enrica Tedeschi, Susanna Magnelli, Donatella Livigni and Tatiana Melaragni The cult of the goddess Feronia is known to us thanks to the numerous news that the authors of Latin and Greek literature have left us, to the numerous epigraphs of the classical era and also to a coin, which reproduces the…
See moreby Arianna Carta Sardinia is an open-air temple dotted with sacred manifestations or, to quote Eliade, hierophanies: nuraghes, domus de janas, giants' tombs, menhirs and sacred wells that blend with zoo and anthropomorphic rocks (valley of the moon , elephant rock, bear rock etc.) caves, earth,…
See moreby Giusi Di Crescenzo The Grotta del Colle in Rapino, in the province of Chieti, on the eastern slope of the Maiella, is certainly one of the most evocative archaeological sites of the Abruzzo Mother Mountain and also a clear example of how the ancient history of the sacred is the history of places of nature that…
See moreby Elena Fornari Taken from Marija Gimbutas – Twenty years of study on the Goddess – Proceedings of the Conference of the same name – Rome 9-10 May 2014 – Laima Editorial Project – Turin In central Italy, in the Tuscany region, a few kilometers from the coast of Versilia, the Apuan Alps rise majestically. This area…
See moreby Alessandra Pilloni Taken from Marija Gimbutas – Twenty years of study on the Goddess – Proceedings of the Conference of the same name – Rome 9-10 May 2014 – Laima Editorial Project – Turin Goni is a very small town in the province of Cagliari, in that area of Sardinia which takes Gerry's name. On…
See moreby Giovanni Feo Taken from Marija Gimbutas – Twenty years of study on the Goddess – Proceedings of the Conference of the same name – Rome 9-10 May 2014 – Laima Editorial Project – Turin The traditional mythological icon associated with the city of Rome, the She-Wolf and the Twins, was interpreted according to different points of…
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