Friday 25 January at 16,30 pm I Luoghi dell'anima bookshop – Pescara Via Campobasso 14
Luciana Percovich – Chiara Eusebio – Giusi Di Crescenzo
They have
On the trail of the Great Mother – journey into the womb of history
by Giuditta Pellegrini
from the Le Civette series of the Venexia publishing house
A journey between past and present across the Mediterranean, from Çatalhöyük to Malta, from Simena, a Lycian matrifocal city in Turkey, to Sejnane, a small Berber village where women work terracotta according to the ancestral method and with decorations that repeat the symbolism of the Neolithic Goddess .
A fantastic carnet de voyage with the photos taken during the journey, the text written in the first person in the form of a journalistic diary and the watercolors that build a dialogue with the places of the civilization of the Great Mother, in search of our roots and a possible future.
The author Giuditta Pellegrini – videomaker, photographer and journalist – will be with us.
Among other things, he documented the immediate post-war period in Bosnia, the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, the transformation towards modernity in rural villages in China, the women of the resistance in Italy, the battle for food sovereignty of Dalit women in India , the post-revolution in Tunisia, the peasant world in Basilicata.
He collaborates with some magazines such as Terra Nuova and Yoga Journal and teaches Kundalini Yoga in Bologna, where he lives.
A video on ceramic manufacturing in Seinane will be shown.