From the civilization of the Mothers to that of the Warriors. Images, symbols and vision of the world from the Paleolithic to the Anthropocene

From the civilization of the Mothers to that of the Warriors. Images, symbols and vision of the world from the Paleolithic to the Anthropocene

An online course curated by Luciana Percovich with the collaboration of Morena Luciani and Sarah Perini will begin in December, entitled:

From the civilization of the Mothers to that of the Warriors. Images, symbols and vision of the world from the Paleolithic to the Anthropocene

It is a cycle of 7 lessons on European Prehistory, open to all.
The meetings will have a fortnightly deadline.
We will be guests of the Association for Social Promotion and Research Center for Partnership IL TEMPIO DELLA DEA DI TURIN - Research, Practice and Studies on the Sacred Feminine, here the program with the dates and how to register.

THE TEMPLE OF THE GODDESS OF TURIN is also proposing residential seminars for next spring Sardinia and Toscana.

A precious opportunity to spend some days of study and
immersion in important places in our spiritual and social history.
An opportunity to plan other routes together, exchange knowledge and topics from
go into detail.

Luciana, Elvira and Alessandra