Baring, Anne and Cashford, Jules – The Myth of the Goddess – The Evolution of an Image

Baring, Anne and Cashford, Jules – The Myth of the Goddess – The Evolution of an Image

Authors: Anne Baring and Jules Cashford
Publisher: Venice
Necklace: The Owls
Year edition: 2018
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 927 p.
EAN: 9788899863067
€ 39,50
The book reconstructs the history of the evolution of human consciousness from the phase of harmony and sacredness of Nature, venerated as the Great Mother for very long millennia lasting from the Palaeolithic and the Bronze Age, to the still dominant one established with the victory of monotheistic religions and transcendent, with disastrous effects both on the human psyche and on the relationship with life on the planet. A monumental study that presents itself as a synthesis of easy reading and richly illustrated on topics of vital relevance not only for female spirituality, but for all those who care about a different future, which can only arise from a new "sacred marriage" between the male and female components of the human psyche. The archaeologist Marija Gimbutas (The Language of the Goddess) defined this text as "an indispensable magnum opus for anyone approaching the study of the genesis and development of religious ideas".