Renda, Stefania – Did the Matriarchy give rise to mothers? A journey from the Paleolithic to contemporary societies

Renda, Stefania – Did the Matriarchy give rise to mothers? A journey from the Paleolithic to contemporary societies

Author: Stefania Renda
Publisher: Asterios
Necklace: Militant leaflets
Year edition: 2020
Pages of the printed version: 64 p.
EAN: 978889313179

"Matriarchy" is a complex and debated term, which has encountered many reluctance to be used in the academic world, ever since the first theoretical studies on this topic were conducted by Johann Jakob Bachofen and Lewis Henry Morgan around the middle of the Nineteenth century. A century later, starting from the end of the XNUMXs, thanks to the research of the archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas on the Paleolithic and Neolithic societies of Old Europe, it was possible to hypothesize that the matriarchy was the previous social structure to that of the patriarchal and warlike Indo-European societies.