Authors: Tatiana Cossu e Charles Luglie
Publisher: Ilisso Editions
Year edition: 2020
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 439 p.
EAN: 9788862023887
€ 79,00
"In this volume of the series "Culture, history and archeology of Sardinia" we intend to present the aspects of living, material culture, knowledge and know-how, and the ways of giving meaning to the existence of the first human groups and of the most ancient peoples who inhabited the island. The broad time span examined embraces a very long period, from the XNUMXth to the XNUMXnd millennium BC, from the Mesolithic to the beginning of the Bronze Age, i.e. from the time of the first well-documented presence of small human groups on the island until the he beginning of that long and complex historical and cultural period which Giovanni Lilliu defined as the "Nuragic civilisation". The eight millennia that separate the time of the people who built the nuraghi from that of the first groups of inhabitants of the island dedicated to hunting, fishing and gathering still appear very incomplete and difficult to reconstruct, however the new interdisciplinary approaches, archaeometric studies and the The refinement of methods in the study of more distant times make it possible today to have a more in-depth historical and cultural knowledge…» (From the Introduction by Tatiana Cossu and Carlo Lugliè)