Moravetti, Alberto – Melis, Paolo – Foddai, Lavinia – Alba, Elisabetta (edited by) – Prehistoric Sardinia. History, materials, monuments

Moravetti, Alberto – Melis, Paolo – Foddai, Lavinia – Alba, Elisabetta (edited by) – Prehistoric Sardinia. History, materials, monuments

Authors and authors: Alberto Moravetti, Paolo Melis, Lavinia Foddai and Elisabetta Alba
Publisher: Carlo Delfino Publisher
Necklace: Corpora of the antiquities of Sardinia
Year edition: 2017
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 500 p.
EAN: 9788893610827
€ 100,00
Monograph on the cultures that have alternated in Sardinia from the Palaeolithic to the early Bronze Age. The volume was created in the context of the cataloging project "Corpora delle Antiquities of Sardinia" and is made up of a series of essays and a catalog of archaeological finds and monuments among the most significant for the civilizations in question, with a rich photographic and bibliographic apparatuses.