Author: Marco Peresani
Publisher: The Mill
Necklace: Get an idea
Year edition: 2020
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 184 p.
EAN: 9788815286796
€ 12,00
Who lived in Italy in the Pleistocene? Let's set off on the trail of the first hominids who populated our peninsula. This new edition, updated to the latest finds in the Bassa Maremma and in the Grotta della Bàsura in Toirano, guides us from the Alps to Sicily in the discovery of hearths, tools and weapons in chipped stone, animal bones, ornamental elements, human burials. We will visit caves and shelters, we will climb mountains and rest on ancient floodplains, we will reach the sea. We will collect all the clues to reconstruct life, the relationship with the environment, the hunter-gatherer culture that we have been, starting from over a million years ago.