Radmilli, Antonio Mario – Abruzzo over the millennia. From the lower Paleolithic to the Italic peoples

Radmilli, Antonio Mario – Abruzzo over the millennia. From the lower Paleolithic to the Italic peoples

Author: Antonio Mario Radmilli
Publisher: Adelmo Polla
Series: Paperbacks of Abruzzo
Year edition: 1993

Format: Paperback
Pages: 176 p.
EAN: 9788874070589

For the first time within reach of the Abruzzese, even for the "non-experts", explained by a great palethnologist, a subject as difficult and not easy as the search for the first human settlements in Abruzzo since the Lower Paleolithic.
"I wanted to give this work a scientifically rigorous character, but at the same time popular” writes Radmilli in what we can consider the true story of the primordial origins of the Abruzzese “… because we must speak of history and not of prehistory, since man, since his appearance on earth, has had his own history. He has left us no written document, because he did not know writing, but the remains left by his activities in order to survive in the struggle with the environment are enough for the palethnologist to know his way of life, his reactions, in a few words the story of him."