Marija Gimbutas: video documents
In this section of the site we collect video documents, some unpublished for the Italian public, concerning Marija Gimbutas; we will continue the research and collection of such documents also to commemorate the scholar who inspired this site and whose death falls thirtieth anniversary this year. Lithuanian Chronicle 1994…
Starhawk and Donna Read – Signs Out of Time. A film about the life and work of Marija Gimbutas
Authors: Starhawk and Donna Read Publisher: Psiche 2 Edition year: 2014 Format: Paperback Printed version pages: 62 p. + DVDEAN: 9788888611662€ 24,00“What image do we have of our past and how does it influence who we are and how we live? Are we capable of imagining a peaceful culture in harmony with nature? Is there ever…
Grotta dei Cervi in Porto Badisco: the study in 3D
Watch the video on Vimeo The Video Neolithic Mysteries: Revealing in 3D the Grotta dei Cervi di Porto Badisco (2009-2011), edited by Virginia Valzano (University of Salento), contains the backstage and the results of the Project "Grotta dei Cervi - Porto Badisco”, a project initiated and coordinated by Virginia Valzano…