Starhawk and Donna Read – Signs Out of Time. A film about the life and work of Marija Gimbutas
Authors: Starhawk and Donna Read Publisher: Psiche 2 Edition year: 2014 Format: Paperback Printed version pages: 62 p. + DVDEAN: 9788888611662€ 24,00“What image do we have of our past and how does it influence who we are and how we live? Are we capable of imagining a peaceful culture in harmony with nature? Is there ever…
Grotta dei Cervi in Porto Badisco: the study in 3D
Watch the video on Vimeo The Video Neolithic Mysteries: Revealing in 3D the Grotta dei Cervi di Porto Badisco (2009-2011), edited by Virginia Valzano (University of Salento), contains the backstage and the results of the Project "Grotta dei Cervi - Porto Badisco”, a project initiated and coordinated by Virginia Valzano…