Author: Margherita MussiPublisher: Spazio TreYear edition: 2000Format: BrossuraPrinted version pages: 790 p.EAN: 9788878400184€ 95,00
See moreAuthor: Ian TattersallPublisher: Cortina RaffaelloSeries: Science and IdeasYear edition: 2009Format: PaperbackPrinted version pages: 200 p.EAN: 9788860302724€19,50How did we become who we are? Describing the fossil and archaeological record in a clear and pleasant way, Ian Tattersall reconstructs human evolution from the Hominidae family to the affirmation of Homo sapiens. This volume brings us…
See moreAuthor: Henri DelportePublisher: IstmoYear of edition: 1982Format: PaperbackPrinted version pages: 318 p.EAN: 9788470901232 Henri Delporte, currently Conseravdor-Jefe of the Museo de Antiguedades Nacionales de Saint Germain-en-Laye (Paris), born on March 5th of 1920 in Tourcoing (North of France), starting his academic and teaching career in Montbrison/Loire, and integrating, ya en…
See moreAuthor: Margaret EhrenbergPublisher: MondadoriYear edition: 1992Format: BrossuraPrinted version pages: 320 p.EAN: 9788804350149Starting from the most qualified archaeologists up to the most banal form of mass communications, our culture commonly deals with the world of Prehistory attributing discoveries, inventions, creations as well as behaviors, to an elusive "man…
See moreAuthor: André Leroi Gourhan Publisher: Adelphi Series: Little Adelphi library Year edition: 1993 Format: Paperback Pages of the printed version: 176 p. that of Lévi-Strauss in relation to anthropology as a whole. His theories continue to be debated, and anyway…
See moreAuthor: Amir Dan AczelPublisher: Raffaello Cortina EditoreSeries: Scienza e ideeYear edition: 2010Format: PaperbackPrinted version pages: 238 p.EAN: 9788860303264€ 21,00Horses, bison, bulls: they unfold on rock walls located in almost inaccessible underground caves . Who made these extraordinary drawings in prehistoric caves in France and Spain and…
See moreAuthor: Claudine CohenPublisher: HerscherYear of edition: 2003Format: PaperbackPrint version pages: 200 p.EAN: 9782733503362€ 33,50L'homme préhistorique était aussi une femme : cette évidence n'avait guère effleuré les premiers préhistoriens, et la question de la place et du rôle de la femme est longtemps restée marginale dans les enquêtes sur la…
See moreAuthor: Gwenn RigalPublisher: AdelphiYear of edition: 2022Format: PaperbackPrinted version pages: 320 p.EAN: 9788845936760€ 32,00Gwenn Rigal, for many years a guide-interpreter in the famous Lascaux cave, accompanies us in the discovery of Paleolithic wall art superior European, whose charm still amazes today. Produced between 40000 and 12000 years…
See moreAuthor: Carole Fritz (edited by) Publisher: Einaudi Series: Grandi opere Year edition: 2022 Format: Hardcover Printed version pages: 620 p. EAN: 9788806253127 € 140,00 fascinating throughout the history of mankind. The result of the competition of a team of international researchers, it offers the…
See moreAuthor: Marylène Patou-Mathis Publisher: Giunti Editore Year edition: 2021 Format: Paperback Printed version pages: 300 p. "No, prehistoric women didn't spend all their time sweeping the cave and…
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